Developing APST Capacities in Market Research
Considering market research as initial step for creating effective export promotion, SIPPO supported the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism to advance know-how and develop new skills in conducting market research for tourism according to the methodology “Travel Persona”

Export promotion is a process which starts with extensive market research. Desk and field research are essential aspects of market research and having them aligned inevitably brings consistency in research findings - relevant information that will serve for adequate planning of the export promotion.
The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in Republic of North Macedonia identified need for advancing its current capacities in market research. SIPPO recognized the essence and importance of this need and supported the BSO by delivering know-how and plan for application of the knowledge as such even further strengthening the institutional capacities of the APSTRNM in the field of market access.
On 21 and 22 October, throughout the two days’ workshop, eight participants from the Departments of Promotion and Research, Analysis and Strategic Planning increase their knowledge and advance their skills in market research for tourism according to the methodology “Travel Persona (Persona in Tourism)” .
Throughout two days of interactive working sessions, supported by a SIPPO expert, APSTRNM representatives learned about the concept of travel personas, what is the marketing twist when using the methodology and research findings and how using the methodology could help for adequate design of promotion. Participants also practiced developing three possible types of tourist profiles that most likely are visiting North Macedonia by incorporating in the process specific features of Macedonian tourism offer and taking in consideration sustainable tourism as relevant aspect nowadays.
On the second day, participants delve extensively in learning of the implementation process, which would help ASPTRNM staff to step further in application of the knowledge gained. How to select trade fairs for conducting the research, what questions to ask, how to approach the interviewee and relevant aspects of developing research scenario were among topics discussed with the participants.
SIPPO will continue to support ASPTRNM in application of the knowledge gained by conducting market research in 2020 as such supporting the BSO to further strengthen its capacities in market research.