About Sippo
Better integration into world trade
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a well-established mandate of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation.
- SIPPO’s overall objective is to integrate developing and transition countries into world trade.
- SIPPO places Business Support Organisations (BSOs) at the centre of the programme instead of focusing on individual companies.
- SIPPO advises and supports over 40 Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in 12 partner countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Indonesia, Colombia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, South Afirca, Tunisia, Ukraine und Vietnam. The programme is active in six sectors: Fish & Seafood, Processed Foods, Natural Ingredients, Technical Wood, Value added Textiles and Sustainable Tourism.
- Business Support Organisations (BSOs) can be public or private organisations such as trade promotion agencies, sector associations, chambers of commerce, or governmental trade departments. They support companies intending to export with professional export promotion services. Through innovative and targeted export promotion services, Business Support Organisations (BSOs) strengthen their export capabilities.
- SIPPO has been implemented by Swisscontact since 2017 in partnership with BHP Brugger and Partners and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and is currently in the second phase of the programme (2021-2025).