The 4th of Indonesia Light Wood Cooperation Forum, Yogyakarta 2019
Ministry of Trade (MOT) together with Indonesia Light Wood Association (ILWA) which supported by SIPPO successfully conducted the 4th of Indonesia Lightwood Cooperation Forum (ILCF) on Monday 14 October 2019 in Yogyakarta.

The 4th ILCF was enriched with several important actors within the lightwood industry sector such as from researchers/academics, community/social forest organization, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Local Government for Forestry and Environment, international buyers and international trade promotion agency from Germany called Import Promotion Desk (IPD) and each of them provided their thought and ideas to robust Indonesia lightwood sector in the global market.
The forum has attracted approximately 170 participants, The forum was inaugurated by the Mr.Marolop Nainggolan as a Director of Export Development Cooperation of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Mr. Sumardji as a Vice Chairman of Indonesia Light Wood Association and Mr. Harsawardhana as the DEAN of Institute of Agriculture. During the forum, there were 3 major important topics covered and each topic was presented by a reliable resource person. Below are the topics that were discussed during the forum:
Topic 1: Market demand and trend of Indonesia lightwood products in the global and regional market. There were two resource persons present this subjects, Mr. Frank Maul from Import Promotion Desk covered global market demand and Mr. Laurent Laurent Corpataux is a business development manager for Southeast Asia from Haring Timber Technology and he is also a NUS Research Associate..
Topic 2: The important of Indonesia lightwood wood grading system. The resource person is Mr. Adi Noer as Director of Standardization from Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Topic 3 : Indonesia lightwood sourcing. The speakers are from very related to social/community forest program. Mr. Panduh Tukat as a program manager from Fairventures Indonesia and Mr. Sri Suwanto as a head of Local Government for Forestry and Environment – Central Kalimantan.
At the end of session, each resource person provided their contact names so that participants could continuously communicate and build relationship directly with speakers for further fruitful discussion.